Nov 1998: If you live in New Zealand, please read MORE JUNK EMAIL FROM NEW ZEALAND
Thu Nov 6 19:13:49 CST 1997

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Nov 5, 1997 Announcement
Targets Unproved Health Cures in the Name of Consumer Protection.

The FTC today issued it press release about an effort to suppress medical cures advertised on the Internet. The press release at claims that its internet surfers found roughly 400 sites in North America.

The question is whether the FTC is protecting the public interest from powerful groups with both the influence and the means to trick the public through fraudulent advertising? Or, whether the FTC itself is being used as a pawn by powerful and well funded interests?

This internet witch hunt, in the name of consumer protection, deserves a Congressional investigation. Was the "surf" spawned by consumer complaints? If so, what is the nature of and how many complaints are there? None were mentioned in the press release. Or is this action, as seems most likely, the result of so-called "consumer groups," funded by pharmaceutical interests, who think they know all alternative medicine cures don't work?

The only reasonable explanation is that the FTC has joined hands with powerful and well financed pharmaceutical interests to stifle competition. The net result is that the FTC, perhaps unwittingly, is being used as a tool to further the suppression of many amazing alternative medical cures.

All concerned readers should inquire of the FTC and your congress persons as to what authority the FTC is acting on during this internet surf and email BIG BROTHER activity? We all need to understand the law that is being applied in this case. What do they plan to do to sites that refuse to comply? (Or is this a publicity ploy, designed to give internet cures a bad name?) We need to understand how it is possible for the rich and powerful to override the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. When you write to the FTC and Congress, please ask them to provide you with a list of all the internet sites the FTC allegedly emailed, as well as the specific complaints lodged against each web site.

If there is a controlling law, and the FTC is acting within the law, then please consider asking your Congress person to help change the law! It may be appropriate for the FTC to act, only after accepted medical research studies have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that there is no scientific basis for a specific claim of cure. However, to allow the FTC to suppress these cures a priori, before such studies are run, is wrong. It will cost lives. This mindless activity must be stopped now!

Please write to Congress and the FTC. FTC address:

	Federal Trade Commission
	6th Street & Pennsylvania Ave., NW
	Washington, DC 20580 

And while you are writing to your Congressperson, tell them that you support the Access to Medical Practices Act (S-1035). According to author Ralph Moss, PhD, this landmark bill would "permit an individual to be treated by a health care practitioner with any method of medical treatment such individual requests."

Yours truly,

Owen Fonorow
Intelisoft Multimedia, Inc.
The Vitamin C Foundation

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The Pauling CURE

Unsigned email we received from FTC