
Why the Pauling Therapy may not work for you

  1. Dosage
  2. Blockages greater than 90%
  3. Prescription Medications
  4. Medical and Radiation Coated Stents
  5. High Blood Sugar/Type II Diabetes

Daily Dosages

Dosages must be adequate and maintained for symptom relief. Ascorbic acid is the only form recommended. (For example, a calcium ascorbate form would provide too much calcium at these dosages. We have reports of failure using calcium ascorbate.)

Blockages greater than 90%

There must be blood flow. Great success reported when blood flow is 50% or more. Less success when blood flow is estimated at 10% of normal (90% blockage) and almost no success when the artery is 100% blocked.

Prescription Medications

Medical and Radiation Coated Stents

Many patients on the Pauling therapy also had stents implanted before they began vitamin C and lysine, and for years there were no reported problems. In fact, almost every stent recepient reported "miraculous" results - until recently.

There has been a change in the past year which may be due to the use of newer so-called "medical" stents which are coated with a chemotherapeutic agent that deadens or kills the inside of the artery. This approach, as well as stents with radiation pellets, eliminates any possibility that the Pauling therapy can work. The vitamin C/lysine therapy depends on the artery healing itself - properly. The new stents and procedures interfere with healing. (See [radiation alert] for a detailed description of this issue.)

High Blood Sugar/Type II Diabetes

After more than a decade of great success with the Pauling therapy, we began getting reports of relapses in Type 2 diabetics. These individuals had great initial success, but required angioplasty/stent and or heart bypass after a considerable period of time. (In one case, I.V. Chelation therapy "worked wonders" for the individual who was again experiencing Angina.)

Combining ideas from several different sources, including Dr. John Ely and Dr. Sherry Lewin, there is strong evidence that high blood sugar "crowds" out vitamin C from entering cells. This is called "Glucose-Ascorbate Antagonism (GAA)" and the basics are covered in this paper ( Reversing Diabetes Type II, Glucose-Ascorbate Antagonism, and their Impact on Reversing Heart Disease.

Vitamin C has an extremely short half-life, competes with glucose for Insulin-mediated transport into cells, and is broken down faster in the gut in the presence of carbohydrates. Additionally, if Thomas Smith is right, See: Our Deadly Diabetes Deception a membrane disturbance in diabetics would make it even more difficult for vitamin C to enter cells. The good news is that this cell membrane problem can be corrected by avoiding processed fats (trans fats and hydrogenated oils) and supplementing virgin Omega 3/6 oils. As blood sugar declines, more vitamin C becomes available to cells.

Keep blood sugar low and avoid carbohydrates for maximum effect of the Pauling therapy. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) helps diabetics lower their blood sugar and ALA may be an important adjunct for people with both heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. More when we know more.

Owen Fonorow, Naturopath, Ph.D.
Sun Feb 26 11:17:31 CST 2006

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