More FDA Raids and Deadly "Dirty Tricks"

Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 10:10:26 -0500
Subject: Health Freedom Prisioner Abused by U.S.

I'm forwarding this to my entire email list. I hope you will all read about the "cruel and unusual punishment" being inflicted upon Jay Kimball because it tried to help heal sick people -- and protest loudly -- please forward this to others. I have known Jay Kimball for several years and know he does not deserve this treatment.

When Dr. Reich was persecuted to death by the Federal authorities, about a half century ago, there were few to protest. Today, no one is fooled as to the nature of the "third republic" -- the inhumanity of its war on freedom of choice ought to be clear to all freedom loving people.

Today, the Health Freedom movement has the capacity to demand the release of political prisoners like Jay Kimball. Go to and send a message to your local congressperson! Only concerted political action can free prisoners of conscience like Jay Kimball.

Ralph Fucetola, JD wrote:
My husband Jay Kimball needs help! Please read:

  Abused in custody: Jay Kimball needs your help now

See links and contact information below.

By The Idaho Observer
TAMPA-- After his October 19, 2000 conviction for violating U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling laws, Liquid Deprenyl Citrate (LDC) developer Jay Kimball, 60, while in the custody of the U.S. Marshal's Service, was handcuffed, waist-chained, leg-ironed and, for no apparent reason, transported 150 miles from the Hillsborough County Jail (HCJ) here to the Hendry County Jail in LaBelle. Kimball was returned to HCJ Nov. 20 with numerous injuries.

An HCJ employee reportedly stated that Kimball must have been transported in error as, considering his age and the nature of his conviction, he should never have been sent to LaBelle. LaBelle is a facility that has been described as a deplorable, inhumane and bacteria-infested hell hole.

Kimball was sentenced by Florida District Federal Judge Richard Lazzara to serve 13 years for "misbranding" LDC-a crime which would ordinarily earn a three-year prison stay. On one hand the judge said to the prosecutors, "you had thousands of names and phone numbers, you failed to produce one complaint of harm or loss, to the contrary I have seen testimony and received letters about how good the product is. NO HARM DONE."

Then on the other hand he states "Mr. Kimball does not respect authority, he does not respect the law. "

Lazzara also stated that Kimball's actions were "ANARCHY" in order to justify sentencing Kimball to serve more than four times federal sentencing guidelines for such a crime.

Though the FDA has been persecuting Kimball since LDC became available to victims of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's in 1990, the federal agency admits that there has never been one consumer complaint or even one reported adverse reaction attributable to LDC. To the contrary, the court and the FDA have been provided with the results of 3,000 clinical case studies conducted by the University of Toronto which proved the product's safety and efficacy. The court was also provided hundreds of letters from LDC users who have had their quality of life returned to them with the help of the natural nutritive plant product derived from the ephedra plant.

After Lazzara arbitrarily passed sentence on Kimball based primarily on his defiance of non-scientific federal authority, U.S. marshals took custody of the 60-year-old man and justified further abuse with a false charging report produced by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department.

The report, which follows Kimball through the "justice" system, stated as of 11/20/00 that Kimball had been convicted in federal court for manufacturing, distributing, dispensing and possessing cocaine.

The speedometer in the transport van containing six male and two female prisoners with no seat belts in the vehicle except for the marshals, reportedly reached 100 mph as it careened through traffic en route to LaBelle. Kimball was catapulted out of his seat two times and suffered injuries to his shoulder for which he was denied medical attention when he arrived at the LaBelle facility. He also lost his voice and experienced difficulty breathing but was not allowed to see a doctor the entire time he was behind bars in LaBelle.

U.S. Marshal Vasquez, one of the transport deputies, reportedly subjected Kimball to a five-minute stream of extremely profane verbal abuse in front of LaBelle officials immediately prior to Kimball's return trip to Tampa. During the return trip Vasquez caused Kimball to fall again and injured his tailbone. Kimball did receive proper medical attention upon his return to HCJ.

Robin Hill of the U.S. Marshal's Service office in Tampa refuses to comment on her agency's treatment of Kimball but she did see to it that the charging report was changed. The report, which is available on-line at

has been changed to reflect a conviction for the manufacture, distribution and possession of "synthesized narcotics" -- which is also false as Kimball was not convicted of that crime and LDC is not a synthesized narcotic.

The U.S. Marshal's Service is apparently insistent upon incorrectly identifying the nature of Kimball's conviction so that hardened prison officials who only know Kimball by what the "official" report tells them will treat him in the worst possible manner. In the court of common sense, Kimball was convicted in federal court for helping people to overcome degenerative disease without federal approval. Since his conviction for having the courage to continue helping people regardless of his own safety, he has been physically and mentally tormented by a prison system that believes him to be a convicted drug manufacturer/dealer.

Attached for your consideration are two articles written over a year ago. They serve as an accurate overview of a decade of events that led to Kimball's federal conviction.

Please help us to stop the cruel and unusual abuse of Jay Kimball. The names and numbers provided below should hear about this. Call them. We need to flood these people, particularly the politicians, with phone calls so that they understand Kimball is not alone. For more information or verification of this example of how the federal government really views its citizens, call Don Harkins of The Idaho Observer at: (208) 255-2307.


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