Tale of Two Stories

Clue to the Coordinated Propaganda Campaign Against Nutritional Supplements
An Opinion
Copyright 2004 Owen R. Fonorow

Recently, two diametrically opposed media stories about vitamin C and arthritis appeared. The first, vitamin C causes arthritis. The second days later, vitamin C prevents arthritis.

The widely reported story implied that large doses of vitamin C might cause osteoarthritis. This particular study, blown out of proportion, was easily dismissed from the animal study author's own comments. She pointed out that the pigs fed more vitamin C grew significantly more than the pigs getting little of the vitamin, and she mentioned that this fact probably accounts for her findings of larger knee knobs.

The second story then appeared. Human, not animal, research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that a high vitamin C intake protects against the development of painful rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers found that people with inflammatory polyarthritis (Reuhmatoid) tended to have a lower daily intake of fruit and vegetables than those who did not develop the disease.

But vitamin C itself seemed to have an even more important role. Those with the lowest levels of vitamin C intake were three times more likely to develop inflammatory arthritis than those with the highest intakes, the results showed. Those with levels below the RDA (40 mg in UK) were at four times the risk of inflammatory polyarthritis. Those at less than 56mg a day were still at three times the risk"
The timing and distribution of these two opposing arthritis stories are suspicious. These coincidental stories provide another clue to the techniques and motivations of the people actively working behind the scenes to damage the public's health. The negative story, posing as news, is one of a series of fake anti-supplement news stories that are published at regular intervals. These deliberate distortions somehow gain wide access to the world-wide media and negatively affect the public's thinking about vitamins and eventually lead to poor health for millions.

People tend to believe what they read and hear in the news. Could there really be a propaganda campaign that alters the news and attempts to harm the public health? Are there propaganda artists whose job descriptions read fool the public? Do people live and work among us, with access to the media, who are paid to deliberately cause confusion, obfuscate scientific findings, and lie to the lay public about matters of public health?

Consider how this might be accomplished. These propagandists monitor medical journals before they are published, or perhaps they are briefed on harmful-to-their business articles about to appear in print. These people are willing to risk everyone's health, in order to blunt the impact that a significant scientific report might have on their business, presumably pharmaceutical.

If such a propaganda campaign exists working to preserve markets for expensive pharmaceutical products, then the ensuing suffering makes the Nazi holocaust dwindle by comparison.

Owen Fonorow, Naturopath, Ph.D.
Vitamin C Foundation
PO Box 3097, Lisle, IL  60532
630-416-1438, Fax: 630-416-1309
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